Zylux CEV Technology
Custom Engineered Vision Technology
Zylux CEV is the most advanced technology available to make digital lenses. The important difference appears when calculating the back surface of the lens. With Zylux BSP, we can cover the basic visual needs of a lot of people. But what happens when you want more out of your lenses?
When you want to do more out of them on a day to day basis? Some of the needs can be Wider field of vision for people who have a more active lifestyle. More demanding professions like architects, doctors , financial analysts bankers?
People whose work revolves around digital devices?
To offer all these and more demanding conditions, Zylux has a design engine which we call the Zylux CEV Technology. Zylux CEV is a lens design technology that improves vision for the wearer through every point of the lens.

+ Features
- Reducing the oblique aberrations to a large extent.
- Achieving Wider fields of vision for progressive lenses, specially for near vision
- Personalisation in high powers and Sports frames
- The ability to choose any frame no more restricting your client to only certain kind of frames.
This is Achieved By
- Creating a realistic computerized simulation of the lens’ optical behavior when it is placed in front of the wearer’s eye.
This simulation then analyzes the oblique aberrations, which are optical effects that have a negative impact on the lens’ visual performance.
- These aberrations are evaluated at every point of the lens, taking into account the rotation of the eye and the real position of the lens.
- With this information, is able to optimize the lens surface by compensating for and correcting these undesired aberrations.
- As a result, creates a lens that provides better vision through every point of the lens.
The benefits of this technology are:
- Reducing the oblique aberrations to a large extent.
- Achieving Wider fields of vision for progressive lenses, specially for near vision
- Personalization in high powers and Sports frames – the lenses in high prescriptions become more and more distorted as we move away from the centre. Same with sports lenses.
- The distortions from side to side can be eliminated using the Technology
- The ability to choose any frame. No more restricting yourself to only certain kind of frames. Of course, Your Expert Optician is still the best person to guide you on which frames will give you the most optimum performance with these lenses
Available On Following Products
- Zylux Personalized Single Vision Lens
- Zylux Sports Lens
- Zylux Personalised Progressive Series 5 and Zylux Personalised Progressive Series 7
- Zylux Office Lens & Zylux Anti-Fatigue Lens
- Zylux Drive Plus Lens